Start | 1 |
Volume I | 4 |
Title page | 8 |
Copy of the collection of Mendoza, preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford | 10 |
Copy of the codex Telleriano-Remensis, preserved in the Royal Library at Paris | 83 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican hieroglyphic painting, from the collection of Boturini | 154 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting, preserved in the collection of Sir Thomas Bodley | 166 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting, preserved in the Selden collection of mss. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford | 207 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican hieroglyphic painting, preserved amongst the Selden collection in the Bodleian Library at Oxford | 229 |
Volume II | 243 |
Title page | 247 |
Copy of a Mexican manuscript preserved in the library of the Vatican | 248 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting given to the University of Oxford by Archbishop Laud, preserved in the Bodleian Library | 351 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting preserved in the Library of the Institute at Bologna | 377 |
Fac-simile of the original Mexican painting preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna | 394 |
Fac-similes of original Mexican paintings deposited in the Royal Library at Berlin by the Baron de Humboldt; and of a Mexican bas-relief preserved in the Royal Cabinet of Antiques | 461 |
Volume III | 482 |
Title page | 486 |
Contents | 487 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting preserved in the Borgian Museum, at the College of Propaganda in Rome | 488 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting preserved in the Royal Library at Dresden | 565 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting in the possession of M. de Fejérváry at Pess, in Hungary | 593 |
Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting preserved in the Library of the Vatican | 616 |
Volume IV | 642 |
Title page | 646 |
Contents | 647 |
Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, from the original drawings executed by order of the King of Spain. Part the first | 648 |
Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, from the original drawings executed by order of the King of Spain. Part the second | 666 |
Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, from the original drawings executed by order of the King of Spain. Part the third | 726 |
Specimens of Mexican sculpture in the possession of M. Latour Allard, in Paris | 774 |
Specimens of Mexican sculpture preserved in the British Museum | 786 |
Plates copied from the giro del mondo of Gemelli Careri: with an engraving of a Mexican cycle, from a painting formerly in the possession of Boturini | 792 |
Specimen of Peruvian quipus, with plates representing a carved Peruvian box containing a collection of supposed Peruvian quipus | 797 |
Volume V | 806 |
Title page | 810 |
Dedication to Viscount Kingsborough by Augustine Aglio | 811 |
Introduction | 814 |
Extrait de l’ouvrage de M. Humboldt sur les monumens de l’Amérique | 816 |
Supplément à l'extrait de l’ouvrage de M. Humboldt | 847 |
Esplicacion de la coleccion de Mendoza | 851 |
Explication del codex Telleriano-Remensis | 939 |
Codice mexicano che si conserva nella biblioteca vaticana | 970 |
Viages de Guillelmo Dupaix sobre las antigüedades mejicanas | 1017 |
Primera expedicion en el año de 1805 | 1018 |
Segunda expedicion sobre antigüedades americanas, en el año de 1806 | 1035 |
Tercera expedicion sobre antigüedades americanas, en el año de 1807 | 1091 |
Libro sexto de la retorica y filosofia, moral y teologia, de la gente mexicana… por… Bernardino de Sahagun | 1150 |
Volume VI | 1298 |
Title page | 1302 |
Appendix: The interpretation of the hieroglyphical paintings of the collection of Mendoza | 1305 |
The explanation of the hieroglyphical paintings of the codex Telleriano-Remensis | 1396 |
The translation of the explanation of the Mexican paintings of the codex Vaticanus | 1455 |
Note I: Arguments to show that the Jews in early ages colonized America | 1532 |
Note II: American traditions which appear to be derived from a Hebrew source | 1701 |
The monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix | 1721 |
The first expedition in search of antiquities, undertaken in the year 1805 | 1721 |
Second expedition in search of Mexican antiquities, by M. Dupaix | 1732 |
(Third expedition, without title) | 1767 |
Description of the triumphal stone preserved in the University of Mexico | 1784 |
Notes | 1787 |
Volume VII | 1842 |
Title page | 1846 |
Carta dedicatoria del autor | 1847 |
Prologo | 1849 |
Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España | 1854 |
Libro I: En que se trata de los dioses que adoraban los naturales de esta tierra, que es la Nueva España | 1854 |
Segundo libro: Que trata del calendario, fiéstas y ceremonias, sacrificios y solemnidades que estos naturales de esta nueva España hacían a honra de sus dioses | 1873 |
Tercero libro: Del principio que tubieron los dioses | 1956 |
Quarto libro: De la astrologia judiciaria ó arte adivinatorio indiana | 1977 |
Quinto libro: Que trata de los agüeros y pronosticos que estos naturales tomaban de algunas aves, animales, y sabandijas, para adivinar las cosas futuras | 2012 |
Sexto libro: (retórica y filosofía, moral y teología) | 2028 |
Septimo libro: El septimo libro trata del sol, y de la luna, y estrellas, y del año del jubileo | 2036 |
Octavo libro: De los reyes y señores, y de la manera que tenian en sus elecciones, y en el gobierno de sus reinos | 2048 |
Libro nono: De los mercaderes y oficiales de oro, piedras preciosas y plumas ricas | 2080 |
Libro decimo: De los vicios y virtudes de esta gente indiana, y de los miembros de todo el cuerpo interiores y exteriores, y de las enfermedades y medicinas contrarias, y de las naciones que han venido a esta tierra | 2110 |
Libro undecimo: De los animales, aves, peces, arboles, yerbas, flores, metales y piedras, y de los colores | 2176 |
Doceno libro: Que trata de como los Españoles conquistaron la Ciudad de Mexico | 2267 |
Indice | 2301 |
Volume VIII | 2318 |
Title page | 2322 |
Supplementary notes to the Antiquities of Mexico | 2323 |
Supplement (extracts from various authors) | 2590 |
Torquemada, Acosta, Garcia | 2592 |
Sermam do auto da fé | 2681 |
Respuesta al sermon | 2706 |
Capitulo XX della “Prattica per Procedere nelle Cause del S. Offizio” | 2744 |
Historia del origen de las gentes que poblaron la America septentrional…, por Don Mariano Fernandez de Echevarria y Veitia | 2747 |
Tercera noticia de la segunda parte de las noticias naturales de las conquistas de tierra firme en el nuevo reyno de Granada, por Fr. Pedro Simon | 2805 |
Cuarta noticia: historial de las conquistas de tierra firme | 2824 |
History of the North-American Indians, their customs, &c. by James Adair | 2857 |
Cartas ineditas de Hernando Cortes | 2984 |
Relaciones ineditas de Fernandez de Oviedo | 3001 |
Volume IX | 3008 |
Title page | 3012 |
Cronica mexicana de Fernando de Alvarado Tezozomoc | 3013 |
Historia chichimeca por Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl | 3207 |
Relaciones de Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl | 3324 |
Ritos antiguos, sacrificios é idolatrias de los Indios de la Nueva España y de su conversion à la fée y quienes fueron los que primero la predicaron | 3475 |
End | 3533 |